Sunday, March 22, 2009


在一个风和日丽的星期六早上我们连同主日学老师们一同带了小朋友们去参观我国的国家科学馆。参观的主要目的是为了让小朋友们学习以及见识有关科学的发明和发现。 多亏华彬弟兄的巧妙安排下, 一切都很顺利的进行。 小朋友们也玩得很开心。

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Youthlmpic 09

Saturday 14/03/09, the day we had long awaited was finally here. It's our first ever sports day for youth- The Youthlympic 2009. Captain ball is the game selected for that day.

We welcomed the day with a gentle shower from the sky. With good faith we set up the place hoping for a clear sky when the time comes. To our horror the drizzle got heavier instead. Although rain was pouring heavily, we held onto our faith with prayers from everyone and it was soon answered. Thank GOD.

Everything thereafter proceeded smoothly with teams of 6 members each competing for the top spot. We had a 6 teams in total and they are as follow:
1)Rotten Apple (Rot & Roll)
2)Shakelingam! (Shake shake & lingam)
3)IndoMee (Mamak Yo!)
4)Young Guns (Young & not so Dangerous)
5)F.U.N (Frederick's United Nation Keoy Teow lovers?!)
6)Passion (United we stand; divided we fall)

Everyone was so immersed in the game they fought with all their might till the final seconds. At last came the final between Passion vs F.U.N where Passion made a breakthrough and claimed the crown.

The Youthlympic'09 was aimed to strengthens bonds as well as to make friends. Hence, we were thrilled with the success and we'd like to thank you all for the great time and participation. It would not have been a success without you guys. We hope you enjoyed that day as much as we do.

Rotten Apple

Young Guns




Ke Wei : “我闪”

昇阳 :“ball ball...别跑。。


Monday, March 2, 2009




-扮哥哥以扫去欺骗他那个瞎眼老豆的祝福,结果搞到要被哥哥追杀 。
-原本要娶漂亮的表妹拉结 (Rachael),结果结婚当天被舅舅调包娶了有“斗鸡眼”的姐姐利亚(Leah)。
-在舅舅那里做了20年苦功工娶了4个老婆,回来后妈妈都不在 了。
-他脚又被废了 。
-女儿又被人强奸 。
-两个儿子又做强盗 。
-其中一个儿子又跟他的小老婆发生关系 。
-他唯一的希望,最心爱的儿子, “约瑟” 。结果又被自己的儿子们陷害失踪。

-上帝最后都把他舅舅的财产分了给雅格 。
- 他不再被他哥哥以扫追杀,反而跟他哥哥和好了。
-上帝保守了 他的心爱的儿子 约瑟 没有被陷害,反而让他们20年后再重逢。
-上帝的保守让他儿子约瑟成为了一人之下万人之上的大国埃及宰相 。
-上帝的恩典使 约瑟 尊敬他和爱他(不像他其他哥哥一样)。


- 读神的话,好好祷告,去教会,依靠神,过个有纪律的生活要运动。
- 诺我们对神信心,敬畏神。就要好好的分配自己的时间做事。

弟兄姐妹你们都是听过上帝的道的人。有些也好像雅格一样是在基督徒家庭成长的,但是你们有真真的跟从上帝的教导吗? 你们有爱神爱人,有读经祷告吗?还是你们好像年轻的雅格一样,自我为中心,只管自己不管别人,不把上帝放在眼里;结果落得悲哀下场的人呢? 或者是要学习雅格年老时候完完全全的依靠上帝跟从上帝引导,生命最后才得到上帝的祝福的雅格呢?
